Friday, April 23, 2010

George Carlin speaks for the planet...

George Carlins routinue to me said it all. All the essays that I have been reading, all talk about the individual issues and the authors way of solving the problems but in the end it all doesn't matter, the earth will take care of itself.  The human race is at the mercy of the planet, the human race can not beat nature it is all too powerful.  Phelan essay was more or less about how we will kill ourselves off the planet, which inevetiably we will, the method is still the lingering question however. George Carlins idea of the planet creating a virus makes good sense however, he eluded to the AIDS virus but I am thinking that it may be something that is going to be more spreadable then AIDS, more like a super bug of sorts. 

1 comment:

  1. Nancy, I agree with you and I felt pretty much the same way after watching carlin's piece. I was like wow i spent all this time readign all of these articles about how shitty humans are to the enviroment and how hard we need to work to save it only to realize that the environment has been here way longer and its actually the one who is taking US down not vice versa. I liked Carlin it was an extremely fresh (and entertaing) perspective. Do you think that there is a middle ground between say Michael SPecter's Bigfoot and George Carlin? They both present very extreme views.
